Friday, September 1, 2017


It's funny.  It's been over two years, as was pointed out by my wife at a brewery earlier this week, since the cancer story wrapped up.  That seems like it should be significant, and it is a major part of my story.  I refuse to let that chapter define me, to be the part of my story that other people tell.  I want it to be a blip on the radar.

Earlier this week, I took a friend to the airport at 4:30AM.  After that, I provided 13 hours of therapeutic services, including self-care, documentation, and administrative work.  I came home and had dinner.  My wife asked me to help her fold laundry and, admittedly I grumbled at her, I took a deep breath and helped her.

I've had so many significant events since the end of chemotherapy that it feels like a lifetime ago.
It's weird to say, but I'm finally content where I'm at.  It's not where I want to be forever, but I'm where I feel like I'm supposed to be right now and I'm going to do what I can right now where I'm at.

Who I am is incredibly defined by who I've been.  In EMDR therapy we call that Adaptive Information Processing, our past is being lived out in our present.
Who I want to be would not have made the choices I've made, but I would not be who I want to be without the choices I've made.  I have the privilege to figure out how to reconcile those two people.

There's a new Macklemore song that almost constantly plays through my head.  In case you can't tell, I've linked it for you there.  Never let the low points define you, let them enhance you.

"You know I'm back like I never left
Another sprint, another step
Another day, another breath
Been chasing dreams, but I never slept
I got a new attitude and a lease on life
And some peace of mind" 

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